  Sunday, December 8, 2024
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Training my Shih Tzu    Hi! As you all know, I had Antsy just only for a few days already. i think I have had her for a week already. Now, problem is she is my first puppy and I am confused on the way she is acting right now. She is a big chewer and she would bite and chew everything that her teeth get into like rug, furniture, and even the wooden floor. She would ruin everything and I cannot stop her because when I do she would go back again. The next few hours she could be very quiet like an angel but she would return to her normal thing after a few hours.

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11:14:14 PM
Training my Shih Tzu
What kind of dog do you have there? I think that the reason why your dog is acting so strange and like that because she may not be getting enough exercise. Some dogs get really fidgety and uncontrollable especially when they don't get enough play or exercise. I play with all of my dogs everyday and we usually play ball around the yard for around an hour every day. They would also run around and around at the park for several minutes each night. When they get home, they are already very tired and just drink a lot of water and retire to bed.
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11:18:45 PM
Training my Shih Tzu
I agree with ilovedogss37. Maybe your dog, Drowsy, is not getting enough exercise both physically and mentally. You should take out the time to give him even 30 minutes of exercise everyday which will make him less hyper-active. Also, have you been training him? If yes, how long have you trained him? Sometimes, dogs act like that especially when they are not trained very well. Does he eat very healthy foods? You should try to feed him healthier foods because maybe sometimes when you feed him otherwise, he would get really fidgety. Feed him all the healthy food and treats that you can give him.
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