  Saturday, December 21, 2024
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Training Ferb with a Spray bottle    Ferb has some bad habits that irritate me a lot. I think that he would usually do some of these things to annoy me or maybe get my attention. He would usually bite the fingers of my girlfriend, sort of like nibbling them. At first it was alright because he was small then, but now he is bigger and has bigger teeth. Anyway, my girlfriend suggested that I buy a spray bottle to spray Ferb with water each time he does something that is not right. Is it acceptable to do this? What are your views on spraying water to dogs?

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10:41:47 PM
Training Ferb with a Spray bottle
Hello! I am not really a big fan of spray bottle because I think that it is not the proper thing to do. This will solve your problem temporarily but your dog would continue on doing that again and again. I guess if your dog has a problem or if you have a problem with your dog, you should work those things out properly and in the right way. You need to work on each of your problems with distinction and I think that in the long run, if you continuously do that, your dog would act differently towards you.
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10:48:17 PM
Training Ferb with a Spray bottle
I am totally against spray bottles! I think that spraying water on dogs may have a different effect on him or he may possibly think that you are just playing with him because some dogs love being sprayed at with water. They might think that it is playtime even if it is not. Maybe you can try telling your girlfriend not to stick her finger to your dog anymore so that he would stop biting and instead divert his attention to something else like maybe a new toy that he can chew on. I suggest that you stop squirting water to your dog because it is really not the best idea.
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