  Sunday, December 22, 2024
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My dog's eating grass, Is it normal    When i take my dog out she often eats grass. Is this normal behavior.

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04:48:39 AM
Dog eating grass is normal
Dog's eat grass to aid their digestive system. It is quite normal.
Post Reply

03:21:58 AM
Grass Eating
I have observed that my pet Corrinne has a habit of tasting grass and most likely he has swallowed or eaten some. Is this bad for health or is it normal?
Post Reply

03:23:30 AM
Re: Grass Eating
If I were you, just make sure your dog is properly monitored on this matter. Grass eating is also an indication that you need to change his food or maybe the flavor or nutritional content. Its also a calltime for dog owners to really look deeper into the issue.
Post Reply

03:25:41 AM
Re: Grass Eating
I read that eating grass is normal with some pets. They just try it out of curiosity and they just like the taste. But I also found out that its also a sign that your pet has been fed up with his diet, so he just wanna try the taste of grass for change. And also some tries grass in order to vomit. So there is a diet issue involved.
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03:30:01 AM
Re: Grass Eating
It's also a sign that your dog is experimenting his taste for other stuffs. If he has been trying grass, maybe he is also trying to taste other things that you were not aware of. You have to be alarmed because he might be swallowing other non-food stuff hazardous to his health.
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03:33:50 AM
Re: Grass Eating
If your dog exhibits lack of appetite and been trying grass, then that’s the time you should suspect he has stomach troubles or dietary problems. Better consult your vet in aiding this problem
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03:37:04 AM
Re: Grass Eating
Aside from experimenting for a new taste of food, the dog wants variety, one factor for that could be is, he's trying to compare which one is better, the grass or the real food.
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