  Sunday, December 22, 2024
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Siberian Husky Puppy Teeth Problem    I've noticed that one of my little Siberian Husky baby canines have not fallen out yet and it looks like the permanent canine is coming in behind it. I cant really tell, but it looks like a couple of other teeth are going through the same thing! I am worried about this because I am not sure if the baby teeth will fall out on there own or need to be pulled. I am going to wait about another week or so and then if no change occurs I am going to take him to the vet. If anyone knows what I should do or if this is normal please let me know!

Post Response 
02:17:28 AM
No Worries
Hi there I remember seeing something like you described with one of my dogs, but the baby teeth almost always fall out on their own without needing to be pulled. Usually they just drop out or they are accidentally swallowed, and this seems to be harmless.
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