  Sunday, December 22, 2024
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My Dog's teeth falling out    I have a six year old Standard Schnauzer. She is healthy but her teeth are falling out. What would cause this. Please reply.

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03:38:41 AM
Get her dental checkup done
Have you taken her to the vet for dental checkup. If not take her to the vet to have her teeth cleaned. May she is suffering from a dental disease which is causing her teeth to fall out.
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03:39:39 AM
Dental cleaning
I would advise you to get her dental cleaning done right away and have the loose teeth removed to prevent further infection.
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02:39:43 PM
Teeth Degradation
Do pets teeth wear out? What causes and what to do about it?
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02:42:23 PM
Re: Teeth Degradation
I read that dog teeth discolors when wearing out due to constant rubbing against each other. The teeth may be misshaped or damaged even to root canal extent. Incisors and canine teeth are usually the destroyed.
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