  Sunday, December 22, 2024
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How do you choose a great puppy for your kids?    What are the tips for choosing a great puppy companion for your young kids?

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01:07:22 PM
Re: How do you choose a great puppy for your kids?
I go for the spritely one with the laughing eyes, wagging tail and compulsion to meet and jump up at you. That is a sign of a healthy and energetic pup.
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01:09:30 PM
Re: How do you choose a great puppy for your kids?
If you look at a litter of 4-5 dogs and all of them are running away and barking at you, do not get a pup from this litter. You will have problems with a dog from this kind of litter and he might get aggressive or exhibit aggressive behaviour to strangers.
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01:12:07 PM
Re: How do you choose a great puppy for your kids?
Look for good signs in a pup, such as walking around and inspecting you, nipping playfully at your heels, playing with your outstretched hand, etc. Also, they should be curious, trusting and sociable.
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01:14:44 PM
Re: How do you choose a great puppy for your kids?
The strong bossy puppy will need a firm hand when it grows up. On the other hand, the quiet and submissive one will need a patient gentle owner who will be guiding it to be a great dog when it grows up.
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