  Saturday, December 21, 2024
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Dog Toys And Accessories?    Hi,I need some dresses made of latex material for my puppy latex, a safe
squeaky toy which is bright, colorful & easy to clean. Dose anyone knows
where I can get?

Post Response 
02:38:49 AM

I love dressing up my puppy... They pretty much don't mind it either. A
few of my puppy actually enjoy dressing up... I bumped into a site
www.moondoggieinc.com which has a variety of collections exclusively for
puppy, here you can get toy as you want for your puppy and also lots of
t-shirts, sweaters, jackets, neck wear, furniture, dining, toys and paw
wear with lowest price.
Post Reply

01:22:58 AM

I've been getting my dog toys from the web. I used to go to big pet stores but the closest one was 1/2 hour away and I was spending a lot of money there. Now I go to http://www.bigtimedogtoys.net
Post Reply

02:07:54 AM
Nobbly Wobbly Toy
I personally recommend the Nobbly Wobbly toy available at PetSmart. It's easy to clean, colorful, and won't break apart or shred in your puppy's mouth becoming a choking hazard. Easy to clean is important because dog toys often harbor loads of germs. And if you have young children around that aren't the fastest to wash their hands after playing with a dog and its toy, then you can only imagine the germs making it into the little tikes mouth.
Post Reply

02:31:40 AM

You can check in dogbreedsandmore.com for the toys you are looking for. Dog Toys are available in various types, toys that keep these pets mentally and physically active, and other toys which distract them from boredom. You can also find comfort toys that ease pet anxiety.
Post Reply

07:32:25 AM
If your puppy is still young, you can put it in a crate which can be adjusted later on when he becomes bigger. A washable mattress placed inside would be comfortable for the dog.
Post Reply

07:32:53 AM
Another tip
You might look for veterinarian recommended beds so you can be sure of its quality for warming and/or cooling functions. These can help specially comfort should be number one priority for baby pups.
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07:34:18 AM
Re: Dog Toys And Accessories?
Can somebody give me an advice on what toy can I give my dog if he always chews everything that is within his reach? I'm afraid he would chew everything that I give him.
Post Reply

07:35:37 AM
Re: Dog Toys And Accessories?
why not try the very old reliable chew bone. If he doesn't like that, ask your veterinarian for any idea which would best solve your problem.
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02:52:56 PM
Dog Tags
Do you know any online sites that sells "Dog Tag?" Can you suggest any good ones?
Post Reply

06:56:16 AM
Re: Dog Toys And Accessories?
dogtagsonline.com offers personalized tags that can either be embossed, stamped or engraved. it all depends upon you. go and get your dog one hell of a tag!
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