  Saturday, December 21, 2024
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Dogs shedding hair?    How do you manage when your dog keeps shedding hair?

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05:04:54 PM
Re: Dogs shedding hair?
My friend said it's just normal for some long-haired dogs to shed that much hair.
My dog keeps on shedding hair and it forms as clumps all over the house. I have him groomed once a month and it is manageable.
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05:05:55 PM
Re: Dogs shedding hair?
Have your dog professionally groomed. It doesn’t prevent him from shedding but he will shed shorter hairs. You can maintain his hair by combing through it. Only a professional groomer can manage to trim all those hair.
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05:07:01 PM
Re: Dogs shedding hair?
Some pet stores offer what is called a “Lo-Shed”. It’s a pooch bath that gets rid of the dog’s undercoat and reduces shedding by 80%. Great for long-haired dogs!
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05:08:15 PM
Re: Dogs shedding hair?
If you don’t mind shelling out a few extra bucks, buy a furminator in your nearest pet store. It is a de-shedding tool that pulls out the dog’s undercoat later. About US$30 a piece.
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