  Saturday, December 21, 2024
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Is something up with my pug?    I have a pug and I have had for about 2 years now. She is a nice girl and she is very sweet and loving as well. I just moved in a new house with my bf and during the first few days Carrie is acting all sweet and caring but these past few days she is getting really weird around my bf. There was this one time when my bf wanted to walk her around the park but she did not want to go and she just stared at him the entire time. She acts OK around me so I have no idea on what is going on with her. Is she sick or does she want my attention or his? I am really confused and I do not know what to do.

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11:07:17 PM
Is something up with my pug?
I do not think that your dog is sick or she is getting used to your bf. I think that maybe the reason why she is acting really weird is that maybe she is afraid of him. The best way for you to know if she is really afraid of him is that you can see that when he comes near her she shivers and run as fast as she could. I know that I sound crazy but this is true but you do not have to worry because there are a lot of ways that you can remedy that. The first thing that you should do is that you should tell your bf to have all the treats that your dog wants and she will get to him soon. Just wait.
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11:15:08 PM
Is something up with my pug?
I agree with what Jenn said above that maybe your pug is like that because she is afraid of your bf. Do you know any other things that happened between her and your bf? You do not have to worry because I think that it is normal and it usually happens when you move in with someone that he or she does not know a lot. You can make things better though by having your bf carry your pug's favorite treats all the time and soon you will see that your pug will go to him. I think that also she is jealous of your bf so assure her that you still love her. Good luck and I hope that I helped.
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