  Saturday, December 21, 2024
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Gauging puppy's personality    Is it possible to gauge a puppy’s personality when it grows up when it is still a wee little thing?

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10:59:33 AM
Re: Gauging puppy's personality
Just like humans, good training for dogs should start when they are still puppies. So the younger your dog is, the better you can train him to adopt only good habits for dogs.
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11:01:05 AM
Re: Gauging puppy's personality
Depends on how old they are. If they are still puppies, then you can still raise them to be good dogs when they grow up. As they said, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. Therefore a dog’s personality can be much more easily moulded when it’s still a puppy.
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11:02:22 AM
Re: Gauging puppy's personality
Puppies are normally very mischievous at their age. It would be difficult to gauge their personality when they are still that young. But as the others have said, you can still mold their character and personality while still very young.
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