  Saturday, December 21, 2024
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Foul smell from dog's ears    After my grandma started cleaning my dog’s ears occasionally with alcohol, it started building up wax and smell. What is wrong?

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04:42:27 PM
Re: Foul smell from dog's ears
Looks like ear mites causing an infection instead of just the build-up of wax. I would advise taking him to the vet.
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04:43:59 PM
Re: Foul smell from dog's ears
You have to take him to the vet and have a professional check-up of his ears. No good to just apply the ear mites medication yourself. It could worsen the problem or the infection, if there is one.
Post Reply

04:45:47 PM
Re: Foul smell from dog's ears
You have to take him to the vet and have a professional check-up of his ears. No good to just apply the ear mites medication yourself. It could worsen the problem or the infection, if there is one.
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