  Saturday, December 21, 2024
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Bad Breath in Dogs?    What causes a dog to have bad breath? I was also amazed that dogs do also have halitosis.

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07:14:52 AM
Re: bad breath in dogs?
Dogs who have bad breath could be a cause of bad teeth or stomach problems. The best way to cure this is to check it up with you're vet and let them examine your dog's teeth to make sure if there is any work to be done on them. dogs are like humans they could also decay.
Post Reply

07:16:39 AM
Re: bad breath in dogs?
There are various underlying causes of halitosis or bad breath in dogs. When you sense that your dog's breath is unnaturally offensive, it might be because of gingivitis, periodontitis, or tartar buildup.
Post Reply

07:18:07 AM
Re: bad breath in dogs?
Bad breath in dogs is common caused by not brushing your dog's teeth. I mean dogs are like humans, their teeth also decays. Thats why I brush my dogs teeth and it doesn't smell that awful of course.
Post Reply

07:19:09 AM
Re: bad breath in dogs?
Of course, brushing your dog's teeth won't hurt either. There are specifically designed toothbrushes exclusively for our dogs, just check your local dog stores.
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07:20:20 AM
Re: bad breath in dogs?
Improper digestion can also be one of the possible cause; in this case it is not actually the dog's mouth that smells but partially the digested food.
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06:58:48 AM
Re: bad breath in dogs?
haha, sorry. i was thinking of what to comment here but it seems like i am not even sure if my dog has a bad breath. i thought of something funny, anyway. can i give him a mouthwash? haha. kidding aside, i hope my dog won't have to suffer bad breath.
Post Reply

03:32:26 AM
Re: bad breath in dogs?
Mouthwash is not appropriate for dogs, because it would affect his/her internal organ. One possible way to prevent halitosis is to brush your dogs' teeth, that way you could almost be sure that your dog is safe against any problem.
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