  Saturday, December 21, 2024
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In Heat After Spray    A dog who has been sprayed I heard can still experience “heat’ aftermath, what’s the explanation for this?

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07:44:40 AM
Re: In Heat After Spay
I am not sure but I think when a dog is spayed, he underwent a surgery to remove its ovary. So its really surprising to see that dogs still experience some change in behavior, sexual behavior or bleeding. Could be a chemical reaction inside the body, but who really knows.
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07:45:55 AM
Re: In Heat After Spay
I read that during spaying some ovarian tissue may not be totally removed, some may be diffused in those parts, some tissues may remain active – its very vet kind of explanation. But just the same, these remaining tissues may still be working to give our dogs inner feelings of sexual nature.
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07:46:56 AM
Re: In Heat After Spay
When you are spaying a dog, you are not really removing its hormones but only an organ. So its safe to say that your dog is still normal after all exhibiting those behaviors because that’s a response of his hormones.
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07:47:45 AM
Re: In Heat After Spay
When there is a bleeding, it only shows your dog is still experiencing heat, but better have it checked with your doctor coz the bleeding could be internal or in the organ itself.
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07:48:20 AM
Re: In Heat After Spay
When there is a bleeding, it only shows your dog is still experiencing heat, but better have it checked with your doctor 'coz the bleeding could be internal or in the organ itself.
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