  Saturday, December 21, 2024
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Dog's Shower    I just want to know how many times should I give my puppy a shower? I give him twice a week. I'm afraid he might catch colds or anything. But I don't want him to have a bad smell too.

Post Response 
06:47:30 AM
Re: Dog's Shower
My dog's vet says it's okay to have hime showered at least two times a week. Some says three. I'm not sure. I guess you also have to consider the condition of your dog.
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06:48:50 AM
Re: Dog's Shower
Why can't my dog take a bath everyday?
Post Reply

06:50:36 AM
Re: Dog's Shower
Actually you can, if you know your dog can take it. You have to know your dogs limitation because bathing everyday will cause their skin to get dry. Some dogs have low resistance when it comes to bathing so better be sure that your dog is capable of daily bath.
Post Reply

03:34:07 AM
Re: Dog's Shower
I took my dog for shower everyday because he is always staying in my room. I don't like him to smell bad for me.
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