  Sunday, December 22, 2024
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Licking And Biting Bottoms And Tails    My two dogs Tyson and Nash have been licking and biting their butts and
the base of their tails. I correct them to get them to stop, but I wonder
if there is something wrong?

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02:40:07 AM

Have they been shaved or groomed recently? Are they treated for fleas?
Have you closely inspected their bottoms? Have their stools been checked
for worms? Sounds like they may need their anal glands expressed.
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01:23:35 AM

By "base of their tails" do you mean on their back where the tail starts? If so, get a flea comb and really look in there because that's where fleas like to hang out. The fact that it's both of them leads me to suspect fleas, but since they're on flea meds I suppose it's possible they both have full anal glands at the same time. It's probably one or the other of those.
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