  Sunday, December 22, 2024
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Dog Eating Poo..    Guys I have a serious problem. My dog is eating POO...... HELP me out.

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02:59:14 AM
I heard something about that it is due to them not having enough to eat or something like that. There are pills that you can give them that will do something to the poop to where it makes it taste wrong. You can find them in any pet store.
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01:53:51 AM
It's Normal
Its normal. They eat poo cause they taste everything they think is food. Even babies eat poo.
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01:54:30 AM
Vitamins And Iron
Sometime they eat their poop if their body lacks something. My dog used to eat it then after a while I had him on vitamins and iron he stopped so give it a try.
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01:55:53 AM
Additional Nutrients
Hey guys I just heard that eating chicken poo gives your dog some additional nutrients. It' True.
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