  Sunday, December 8, 2024
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Is it ok to feed dogs with chicken eggs?    I haven't tried feeding my dog with eggs. I want him to have that needed protein that is I believe very rich in eggs. Not only it is very nutritious and cheap. Is it safe to give him chicken eggs?

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02:25:03 PM
Re; Is it ok to feed dogs with chicken eggs?
I tried eggs with mine. It is safe indeed. Make sure that you cook it first before feeding him. It won't upset his stomach.
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02:26:45 PM
Re; Is it ok to feed dogs with chicken eggs?
Hard boiled eggs are better too. It strengthens my dog and gives muscles. Try it!
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02:28:57 PM
Re: Is it ok to feed dogs with chicken eggs?
Oh yes! Thank you replay for the tip. I tried it and he likes it very much. It is inexpensive healthy meal for my dog.
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03:00:57 PM
Dogs eating chicken eggs
When my female dog was pregnant, the vet advised me to give her 1 raw egg per day. She LOVED it and boy did it make her coat look great. the only problem was that for a few days she refused to eat her dog food! She wanted more eggs. Finally, she got hungry and went back to eating her dog food.
Just today I gave my 2 dogs an egg, because their coat looks dull. They won't get one every day, but on occasion.
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09:09:29 PM

Cooked eggs contain digestible protein and can be given safely in small quantities to most dogs.However, dogs with sensitive stomachs can have gastrointestinal problems,when fed unfamiliar foods.

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