  Sunday, December 22, 2024
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Mosquito Repellent    My Collie is deathly afraid when I spray any bug repellent (or anything, for that matter) on him. I hate to use sprays if there is something else available. I am looking for a natural method of keeping the black flies, mosquitoes, and deer flies at bay on a Collie that was raised in the south. I have heard that increasing the garlic content in their food will help.

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02:29:41 AM
Mixing Oils
Garlic helps but I use tea tree oil with other oils and it's terrific. l guess that's a silly answer. I'll give you the names of the oils. Tea tree oil, Cedar oil, Citronella oil,Juniper oil,Eucalyptus oil and Lavender oil. I mix 10 drops of each in about 2 cups of light mineral oil and one cup peroxide. Put the all in spray bottle . It works fantastic for horses and dogs.
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