Saturday, December 21, 2024
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Name of your dog
Hi y'all! I just want to know what the name of your dogs are and why you decided to give them that name. I have three dogs right now and I named them Cinders, Tinker, and Belle. I got Belle first because she was given to me by my friend and I decided to call her that name because she has a lovely brown fur that reminded me of the Beast from that movie. Of course, I do not want to call her that. Cinders, on the other hand, I gave her that name because I am a big fan of Cinderella and Tinker because my little daughter loves Tinker Bell. We love Disney, so yeah. How about you?
12:40:58 AM
Name of your dog
Hi! I really like the name that you gave to your dogs. I think that it sounds pretty and I am sure that maybe your little girl helped you as well to give that name. Anyway, I have four young dogs at home and I decided to name them after the True Blood characters because I am a big fan of the show. The girl Shih Tzu that I have I call her Sookie, the male pugs Eric, Bill, and Jason. People always ask me why I gave them that name because they thought that those names were for a person only but I beg to disagree. I even know someone who calls his dog Gaga. I guess it is just a matter of preference.
12:45:27 AM
Name of your dog
I think that the names that you gave to your dogs are cool. I only have one dog right now and I call him Butter because she is yellow in color that reminded me of butter. My mom thinks it’s weird that I call her that but I love the name and I think that she likes it as well. You know what, I also thought to name her as Tinker because I love that character from Peter pan as well and I thought that it would fit her perfectly because she is tiny and small like Tinker Bell but I did not push through with it because I thought that Butter is nicer. If I have another one, I will call her Tiana.
05:04:24 AM
name of dogs
i get some dogs name form hear and i also want some more names, i realy like my dog and every time i care.please recommend me more nice name.......
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