  Monday, December 30, 2024
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Bathing Tips!    Do you have any suggestions, as to how can we improve our way of bathing our dogs? in that way our dogs would not have that fear of not taking a bath anymore?

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12:11:04 PM
Re: Bathing Tips!
It's just a matter of training your dogs to do things for them and become familiar with any cleanliness habits. You can start that when they are still pups for them to be acquainted with water temperature.
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12:15:23 PM
Re: Bathing Tips!
Me too, at first I had difficulty bathing my dog Trix. What I did was tie her up and begin sprinkling a little bit of water on her. She would jump up and try to run but later on she got familiar with it, now she feels comfortable taking a bath with me.
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