  Saturday, December 21, 2024
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Ear Cleaning    I need some Pointers on proper dynamics on cleaning my dog’s ear?

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06:45:15 AM
Re: Ear Cleaning
The usual position is always opposite the ears of the dog. Arms to drape the dog shoulders, left arm wrapping around the neck and head. Lean upper body when dog tries to rises.
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06:47:31 AM
Re: Ear Cleaning
You have to prepare the following materials to clear your dog’s ear: ear wash solution, cotton balls, a tweezers or hemostat to pluck hair, q tips before you start fixing your dog to clean.
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06:48:17 AM
Re: Ear Cleaning
Gentle restraint is how to describe the task of cleaning dog’s ears. In vet stations, dogs are led to sit on the table reachable enough for vet carers to pin the dog.
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06:49:04 AM
Re: Ear Cleaning
When your dog gets wobbly or wiggly, try laying him in the side. Grasp the elbow of the leg closest to table. Tuck the ear flap under your left elbow.
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06:49:57 AM
Re: Ear Cleaning
Dogs have more ear problems compared to cats partly due to hairs that reach their ear canal. Dogs are prone to develop ear allergies too.
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02:51:30 AM
Re: Ear Cleaning
Some people say that if you are cleaning your dog's ear you need to first dip your cotton swabs to luke warm water, before cleaning your dog's ear after that, gentle smooth the inside parts of your dog's ear.
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02:53:26 AM
Re: Ear Cleaning
Some dogs severely scratch their ears due to itching that results in hair loss, and worse bleeding or hematoma. Some observable damage is swollen ear flaps, or wounds. Get your dog to your vet to examine to prevent further injuries.
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