05:19:52 PM
Re: Adopting shelter dogs
Pay a visit first to the shelter without the children. Note the dogs that attract your attention as well as talk to the shelter administrator for the history of each dog in your list.
05:20:33 PM
Re: Adopting shelter dogs
I would choose more a nice medium-sized mixed dog. The one that would be good with children. Guard dogs tend to be too aggressive and toy dogs might be too “decorative” for the family.
Bring a small squeaky ball or a dog toy and show it to the dog. If it becomes interested and plays with it or with you, then that’s a sign that it is a dog that would like to please its owner – and be considerate of the children too.
05:21:27 PM
Re: Adopting shelter dogs
I also fall for dogs who like to have a good belly rub. Let the dog out and wander around the room. Try to gently touch its back or yank its tail. If the dog doesn’t seem to mind, then that is a good indicator of good temperament among humans.
05:22:18 PM
Re: Adopting shelter dogs
Last test is to bring the kids over. If the dog is comfortable with the kids, like them touching its body or playing with its tail, and definitely letting them do the belly rub, then you could consider adopting the dog for your family.